by Diego Lerman

Synopsis: 7-year-old Matías returns home from a friend’s birthday party to find his mother, Laura, unconscious on the floor. When she recovers her senses they decide to leave home and rush to a shelter for abused women where they spend 48 hours before Laura decides to rebuild her life somewhere else. Through the eyes of Matías we will discover their escape in a city where everything Matías once knew feels dangerous and foreign until Laura finds a secure place to raise her son.

Cast: Julieta Diaz, Sebastián Molinaro.

2014 / Argentina, Colombia, France, Poland, Germany / 93 min

Produced by Campo Cine S.R.L. / Coproduced by Staron Film, Burning Blue, Bellota Films, Gale Cine, Rio Rojo Contenidos, 27 Films Production.

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“Diego Lerman’s well acted, steadily absorbing realist drama follows a mother and her young son fleeing from domestic violence”

— Variety

Refugiado is poignant, admirably executed and touchingly performed by its two leads”

— The Hollywood Reporter