by Kelly Reichardt
Synopsis: Wendy (Michelle Williams), a near-penniless drifter, is traveling to Alaska in search of work, and her only companion is her dog, Lucy. Already perilously close to losing everything, Wendy hits a bigger bump in the road when her old car breaks down and she is arrested for shoplifting dog food. When she posts bail and returns to retrieve Lucy, she finds that the dog is gone, prompting a frantic search for her pet.
Cast: Michelle Williams, Will Oldham.
2008 / USA / 80 min
US box office close to 1 million USD.
“Gorgeous and heartbreaking”
— The New York Magazine
“Strong reviews and the superb central performance of Michelle Williams will help the film reach Reichardt’s largest audience to date”
— Film Comment
“Kelly Reichardt has become one of the most interesting young American filmmakers”
— The New York Times
“What may emerge as the best performance of the year!”
— Film Comment